What We Treat

Nephrology Clinic

Nephrology is a medical specialty concerned with identifying, managing, and treating illnesses and disorders associated with the kidneys. The kidneys are important organs responsible for cleansing toxins and excess fluids from the bloodstream, adjusting blood pressure, and sustaining electrolyte balance.

Your kidneys play a crucial role in your overall health. Choosing the correct nephrology clinic is essential for maintaining healthy kidney function. Novomed Centers provides superior care, cutting-edge facilities, and an experienced team of board-certified nephrologists.

What Does Novomed Nephrology Clinic Treat?

  • High blood pressure.
  • Diabetes and other renal disorders.
  • Kidney failure or Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).
  • Cystic kidney disease.
  • Kidney stones.
  • Nephrotic syndrome.
  • Hemolytic uremic syndrome.
  • Electrolyte Imbalances.
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs).
  • Kidney infections.
  • Hyponatremia.
  • Toxic overdoses that require dialysis.
  • Glomerulonephritis (GN).

Our Services

–        Urinalysis: Extensive urine analysis to detect evidence of kidney damage, such as proteinuria and hematuria.

–        Kidney Imaging: Imaging tools such as ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) scans, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) help detect abnormalities such as kidney stones, cysts, and tumors. 

–        Kidney Biopsy: A procedure used to detect kidney illness and assess the extent of kidney damage by taking a small piece of kidney tissue.

–        Dialysis: Filtering waste and excess fluids from the circulation when the kidneys cannot do this efficiently.

Why choose Novomed?

Nephrologists at Novomed carry out a crucial role in the medical care of patients with kidney-related disorders. They collaborate closely with primary care physicians, endocrinologists, urologists, and other specialists to provide comprehensive care.

Our specialists are trained to develop individualized treatment plans and provide dietary recommendations and guidance to assist patients in maintaining optimal kidney function.

The modern diagnostic equipment at our clinic allows us to provide precise and prompt diagnoses. We use cutting-edge diagnostic tools and dialysis technology to give our patients the best chance of a full recovery.

Book your appointment today!

Our nephrologists have extensive training and experience in identifying and treating kidney problems. They are updated on the most current research and developments in nephrology so that they can give our patients the most outstanding treatment possible.

If you’re looking for exceptional kidney care and dedicated doctors are committed to providing the highest standard of treatment and support, call us toll-free at 8006686 or click the live chat icon at the bottom of the screen.

Dream Team...

Our specialized doctors

Novomed’s highly-qualified surgeons, consultants, and specialists are leaders in their fields and are well-known for offering honest advice and personalized care for their patients. 

Wonderful results

Satisfied patients