
About this system

The Cynergy laser system at Novomed is an advanced state-of-the-art machine that treats vascular and pigmented lesions more effectively than conventional single-wavelength laser machines. It is the best available laser for the treatment of small to medium-sized capillaries and venules on the legs.

Cynergy is the first system to utilize a combination of a long pulse-dye laser and high-powered Nd:YAG in one delivery system to optimize the effectiveness of the treatment. These wavelengths were chosen for their absorption characteristics; both wavelengths are well absorbed by blood and melanin. Moreover, it has an integrated cooling tip to ensure the patient’s comfort and safety during treatment.

Cynergy system can be used to treat:

  • Spider veins
  • Rosacea
  • Scars
  • Warts
  • Hemangiomas
  • Facial and leg telangiectasias
  • Port-wine stains


What is Multiplex?

MultiPlex is the ability to sequentially emit two or more different laser wavelengths through the same handpiece, with precise timing, to improve the outcome of treatment compared to single-wavelength treatment.

The multiplex mode in the Cynergy laser system utilizes the pulsed dye laser to convert oxy-hemoglobin (the pigment which gives blood vessels their red color) to deoxy-hemoglobin (the darker color of blood in veins), which then is targeted by the Nd:YAG laser. This combination treatment allows for greater effectiveness and less risk of scarring than either laser used separately.

Clinical trials have proven that MultiPlex provides 75% single-treatment clearance in 75% of patients when treating facial telangiectasia, with little or no purpura. MultiPlex has also been shown to improve outcomes for those with recalcitrant and resistant vascular birthmarks and to allow treatment of lesions previously requiring surgery.

If you are looking for an effective, quick, and gentle treatment for skin conditions, book your consultations with one of our dermatologists or skin specialists and they will help you chose the most suitable machine that can cater to all your skincare needs.